NAS-Cinvestav Lectures

The Department of Mathematics Cinvestav in collaboration with the National Academy of Sciences of the USA organizes a series of lectures by three of the most distinguished American mathematicians.

Speakers NAS-Cinvestav Lectures

NAS-Cinvestav Lectures 2009
“On the Stable Topology of Some Moduli Spaces”
Prof. Soren Galatius
Stanford University
December 9-10, 2009

NAS-Cinvestav Lectures 2008
3. “Integrable systems in algebraic geometry”
Prof. Thomas Nevins
University of Illinois-Urbana
December 10-11, 2008

2. “Modern Homotopy Theory”
Prof. Mark Mahowald
Northwestern University
October 22, 2008 11:30am to 12:30pm.

1. “Topological Conformal Field Theories”
Prof. Kevin Costello
March 26-28, 2008

NAS-Cinvestav Lectures 2007
Bernd Sturmfels (University of California)
January 10-11, 2007 12pm.

NAS-Cinvestav Lectures 2006
1. “Braid Groups and some of their Applications”
Frederick Cohen (University of Rochester)
November 7-9; 2006 4pm.

2. “Three Lectures on String Topology”
Dennis Sullivan (University of New York)
November 22-24; 2006 12pm.
José Adem Auditorium