
The Cinvestav was founded in 1961 with three departments: Mathematics, Physiology, and Physics. The Department of Mathematics, with fifty years of experience, has been consolidated for several decades. Our faculty currently consists of 28 professors, working in Mexico City and Querétaro. We have graduated more than 338 Master's students and 141 Doctoral students, both Mexican and foreign.

Our faculty members, whose work is published in journals ranking at the highest international levels, have received some of the most prestigious distinctions awarded to researchers in Mexico. Our doctoral graduates are found in all of the important mathematics programs of the country, and graduates of our Master's program are accepted to the foremost centers of mathematical activity throughout the world; a tradition we are proud of.

The Department has strived to conserve a balance among research, creation of human resources, and linking with other educational and productive centers in the country, as well as the important task of creating general awareness of mathematics. In a fertile environment, with a diversity of course offerings, seminars at the forefront of research, colloquia, workshops, and international events, we can consider our institutional life and the academic atmosphere offered to our students to be comparable to that of the best universities around the world. Our greatest challenges are to grow without affecting the quality so far attained, and to make this experience take root in other parts of the country.


From its onset, the Department of Mathematics has been a leader in the mathematical production of the country, and this academic excellence is manifested in the many commendations awarded to the Department as well as to its researchers and students.

In Mexico, our Master's and Doctoral programs are classified as “International Level” in the National Register of Quality Graduate Programs of CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology) and thus are considered as among the best in Latin America.

Four of our graduates have been awarded the Weizmann Prize of the Mexican Academy of Sciences for the best doctoral theses in the areas of the exact sciences: Dr. Rolando Cavazos Cadena in 1986 (directed by Dr. Onésimo Hernández-Lerma), Dr. Arturo Cueto Hernández in 1999 (directed by Dr. Gabriel Villa Salvador), Dr. Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta in 2004 (directed by Dr. Rafael Heraclio Villarreal Rodríguez) and the Dr. David González Sánchez in 2014 (directed by Dr. Onésimo Hernández Lerma).

Also, our graduates Dr. Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta and Dr. David González Sánchez received Rosenblueth Award in the area of Exact Sciences in 2003 and 2013 respectively.

More than 30% of our researchers are classified at Level III of the SNI (National Researchers System). A full 50% are regular members of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.

More than 900 articles have been published in journals of international ranking, and more than 2200 mathematical publications overall. The annual average production of articles per researcher in the Department is 1.2, above the average for research in mathematics in the U.S. (which is 0.7).

Distinctions awarded to professors of the Department of Mathematics:

National Award in Science and Art (only five have been awarded to researchers in mathematics):

• José Ádem (deceased, founder of the Department) 1967
• Samuel Gitler (deceased, founder of the Department) 1976
• Onésimo Hernández Lerma (Professor Emeritus) 2001

Members of the National College (the only two mathematicians to receive this honor, and founders of our Department):

• José Ádem (deceased, founder of the Department) 1960
• Samuel Gitler (deceased, founder of the Department) 1986

Emeritus Researcher of the SNI:

• Luis G. Gorostiza (Professor Emeritus) 2001 (also Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA, Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, USA, and Full Member of the Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University and University of Ottawa, Canada)

• Onesimo Hernandez Lerma (Professor Emeritus) 2014 (it is also a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, USA, and member of the Science Advisory Council of the Presidency of the Republic)

Research Award from the Mexican Academy of Sciences (to date, only five of these awards have been given to mathematicians):

• Eduardo Santillan Zeron (Exact Sciences) 2011

Lázaro Cárdenas Award:

• Onésimo Hernández Lerma (Professor Emeritus) 2008

Scopus Award (from Elsevier):

• Onésimo Hernández Lerma (Professor Emeritus) 2008
• Elías Micha Zaga 2010

Thomson Reuters Award:

• Onésimo Hernández Lerma (Professor Emeritus) 2009

S. Ramanujan Award:

• Ernesto Lupercio 2009

Alejandro Ángel Escobar Award:

• Wilson A. Zúñiga Galindo (Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences) 2010

Marcos Moshinsky Fellowship Award:

• Ernesto Lupercio 2012