

Dra. Gladys Denisse Salgado Suárez
Period of stay: November 2020 to october 2021
Institution of origin: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Research Topic: Stochastic control in random environment
Host researchers: Dr. Héctor Jasso and Dr. Carlos G. Pacheco


Dr. Carlos Enrique Alvarado Rodríguez
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Didier Barradas Bautista
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dra. Celia Rosa Fierro Santillán
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin:
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Alejandro Flores Méndez
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dra. Mireya Paredes López
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: UNAM
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Otto Gregorio Rendón Rodríguez
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: Instituto de Investigación Científica Venezuela
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Juan Antonio Vega Garfias
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Nathan Weinstein Zagorín
Period of stay: January to december 2017
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Francisco Gerardo Jiménez López
Period of stay: January to december 2016 (Querétaro Campus)
Institution of origin: Department of Mathematics, Graduate Center of City University of New York
Research Topic: Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller spaces
Host researcher: Dr. R. Michael Porter Kamlin

Dr. Alfredo Omar Palafox Roca
Period of stay: January to december 2016
Institution of origin: Higher School of Economics IPN
Research Topic: Applications of optimal control and dynamic games to the economy of natural resources
Host researcher: Dr. Onésimo Hernandez-Lerma

Dr. Alejandro Flores Méndez
Period of stay: April 2015 to march 2016
Institution of origin: Cinvestav
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Juan José Rivaud Gallardo
Period of stay: January to december 2015
Institution of origin: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Juan Antonio Vega Garfias
Period of stay: April to september 2015
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Luis Javier Navarro Méndez
Period of stay: February to december 2015
Institution of origin: Universidad Simón Bolivar de Carácas, Venezuela
Research Topic: Operator theory and differential equations
Host researcher: Dr. Vladislav Kravchenko

Dr. Francisco Gerardo Jiménez López
Period of stay: January to december 2015 (Querétaro Campus)
Institution of origin: Department of Mathematics, Graduate Center of City University of New York
Research Topic: Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller spaces
Host researcher: Dr. R. Michael Porter Kamlin

Dr. Johana Luviano
Period of stay: January to december 2015
Institution of origin: IMATE-UNAM
Research Topic: Monomial and toric ideals associated with Cayley hypergraphs
Host researcher: Dr. Enrique Reyes Espinoza

Dr. Héctor Hugo Corrales Sánchez
Period of stay: December 2014 to november 2015
Institution of origin: Cinvestav-IPN
Research Topic: Arithmetic structures
Host researcher: Dr. Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta

Dr. Samuel Estala Arias
Period of stay: January to december 2015
Institution of origin: UNAM
Research Topic: Asymptotic distribution of cusp sections, in the product of hyperbolic spaces
Host researcher: Dr. Wilson Zúñiga

Dr. Carlos Couder Castañeda
Period of stay: June 2013 to october 2014
Institution of origin: Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP)
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dra. Maricela Arrollo Gómez
Period of stay: October 2012 to september 2014
Institution of origin: UNAM
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Yendi Ebenezer Navarro Noya
Period of stay: October 2012 to september 2014
Institution of origin: Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Alejandro Avilés Cervantes
Period of stay: October 2013 to september 2014
Institution of origin: UNAM
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Gerardo Hernández-Del-Valle
Period of stay: October 2012 to september 2013
Institution of origin: Columbia University
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. José Francisco Martínez Sánchez
Period of stay: October 2012 to september 2013
Institución de porcedencia: Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Lázaro Raymundo Reyes Gutiérrez
Period of stay: October 2012 to september 2013
Institution of origin: UNAM
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dra. Emilye Rosas Landa Loustau
Period of stay: October 2012 to september 2013
Institution of origin: UNAM
Research Topic: Applied mathematics (ABACUS)
Host researcher: Dr. Isidoro Gitler

Dr. Tobias Harz
Period of stay: From 3 to October 17, 2011
Institution of origin: Universitaet Wuppertal, Alemania.
Temas de investigación: Explicit Integration Kernels and Formulae for the Cauchy-Riemann Equations on Subvarieties and Singular Analytic Sets.
Host researcher: Dr. Eduardo Santillan Zeron

Dr. Ondrej Hutník
Period of stay: November 5, 2010 to august 31, 2011
Institution of origin: Institute of Mathematics, Pavol Jozef ŠafrÍk University in Košice, Slovakia.
Research Topic: Toeplitz Operators.
Host researcher: Dr. Nikolai Vasilevski

Dr. Thomas Pawlaschyk
Period of stay: From 3 to October 17, 2011
Institution of origin: Universitaet Wupperthal, Alemania.
Temas de investigación: Explicit Integration Kernels and Formulae for the Cauchy-Riemann Equations on Subvarieties and Singular Analytic Sets.
Host researcher Dr. Eduardo Santillan Zeron

Dr. Martin Sera
Period of stay: From 3 to October 17, 2011
Institution of origin: Universitaet Wupperthal, Alemania.
Temas de investigación: Explicit Integration Kernels and Formulae for the Cauchy-Riemann Equations on Subvarieties and Singular Analytic Sets.
Host researcher: Dr. Eduardo Santillan Zeron

Dr. Enrique Torres Giese
Period of stay: October to december 2011
Institution of origin: University of British Columbia, Canadá.
Research Topic: Topological complexity of homogeneous spaces.
Host researcher: Dr. Jesús González Espino Barros

Dr. Ondrej Hutník
Period of stay: November 2010 to july 2011
Institution of origin: Institute of Mathematics, Pavol Jozef ŠafrÍk University in Košice, Slovakia.
Research Topic: Toeplitz Operators
Host researcher: Dr. Nikolai Vasilevski

Dr. Vladimir Rabinovich
Period of stay: June 2009 to march 2010
Institution of origin: IPN

Dr. Egor Maximenko
Period of stay: June 1, 2008 to May 31, 2009
Research Topic: Toeplitz matrices, Toeplitz Operators
emaximen [@]

Dr. Carlos Gabriel Pacheco González
Period of stay: June 1, 2008 to may 31, 2009
Research Topic: Applied probability and financial mathematics
cpacheco [@]