Student Seminar

The Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN invites you to the Student Seminar. This seminar is held every 15 days, on wednesdays at 16:30 hrs, at the Auditórium José Ádem, Mathematics Department, Cinvestav-IPN.


§ Degree of a simplicial complex

September24, 2018,
Room 131, Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN, 15:00 Hrs.

M. en C. Yuriko Pitones
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN

Abstract: Many of the problems in Commutative Algebra are reduced to the calculation of algebraic invariants such as degree, depth, regularity, etc. Knowing them gives us information about the structures to which they are associated, which allows us to classify them and understand some geometric properties.
In this talk, we will talk about the degree, we will see how to calculate it in the case of monomial ideals free of squares using the combinatorial properties of the simplicial complexes associated with them (Stanley-Reisner correspondence).