Guillermo Moreno Mathematics Competition

You like math?
You think you're good at it?
This is the place for you!
Here you will find an exciting new challenge for your skills ...
Learn more ...

The Department of Mathematics Cinvestav invites:

All high-school and undergraduate students in Mexico, to the first Guillermo Moreno Mathematics Competition.

Just solve individually the five problems found on the following link: [PDF] Questions on 22 October and send your solutions by e-mail, fax or in person no later than October 26, 2007. Originality of solutions will be counted. There will be prizes and diplomas for the first 3 places and the best students will be invited to Cinvestav Math Week, February 2008.

Guillermo Moreno (1956-2006) was head of the Mathematics Department of CINVESTAV and was known nationally and internationally for his research in topology and algebra.