
The First Decade (1961-1971)

  • In 1961 The Cinvestav (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Center for Research and Advanced Studies) was founded.
  • Mathematics was among the first departments with which the Center began its activities.
  • In 1961, Carlos Ímaz and Samuel Gitler were the first associate professors hired by the Department of Mathematics.
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The Second Decade (1972-1981)

  • In 1972, there were 15 professors and 26 Master's and doctoral students.
  • In 1976, Tomasz Bojdecki visited theepartment of Mathematics.
  • In 1978, the Solomon Lefschetz Conferencias were initiated.
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The Third Decade (1982-1991)

  • At the beginning of 1981, the Department had 24 permanent professors and 24 Master's and doctoral students.
  • In 1986, Peter Greenberg of Karl Marx University visited the Department.
  • In the period 1987-1989 there were about 18 visiting researchers from various foreign institutions.
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The Fourth Decade (1992-2001)

  • During the period 1990-1993, about 53 research articles were published in various journals of international prestige.
  • In 1996, professors and students of the Department began the publication of the journal Morfismos.
  • In 1997, the Department moved to a new building, more spacious than the previous one.
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The Fifth Decade (2002-2011)

  • During the period 2001-2006 183 research articles were published in various journals of international prestige.
  • As of 2005 the Solomon Lefschetz Memorial Lecture Series in honor of Professor Solomon Lefschetz was consolidated.
  • In 2005, the José Adem Memorial Lecture Series in honor of Professor José Adem was initiated.
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Querétaro campus

  • In 2006 the branch of the Departamento at the Querétaro Campus of the Cinvestav was created.
  • In 2010, the first two Master's students graduated.
  • Currently, the Querétaro branch has four researchers.
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  • In 2012, the ABACUS headquarters: Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing was created.
  • ABACUS is home to one of the main research supercomputers in Latin America.
  • Currently, ABACUS participates in the ENERXICO project: Supercomputing and Energy for Mexico.
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The Sixth Decade (2012-2021)

  • In the past decade, distinguished members of our faculty received a total of 14 awards.
  • In the past decade, 15 books and 390 articles were produced in the Departament.
  • In the past decade, 69 doctoral students and 78 Master's students graduated.
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