The 1982-1991 decade

At the outset of this decade the following professors joined the Department as full professors: A. Kumar (probability), Masatake Kuranishi (complex analysis), P. Ramankuty (differential equations), and D. Sundararaman (complex analysis), and Luis Astey, Elías Micha, and Guillermo Pastor in algebraic topology, B. Berndtsson in complex analysis and Simón Mochón in applied mathematics as associate professors. Altogether, the Department had 24 full-time professors and 24 Master's and doctoral students. Further, there was a visit by B. Hajduk from the Polish Academy of Sciences (algebraic topology). Further, the Cinvestav sponsored visits by 10 foreign professors. Five students received their Master's degrees and one a doctorate.

In July, 1982, the VI Latin American School of Mathematics (VI ELAM) was organized in Oaxtepec on the topics of algebra and topology of several variables, again with the participation of many Latin American researchers and students. In December, 1984, the International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Differential Equations was held on the grounds of the Cinvestav in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Solomon Lefschetz. In all 205 mathematicians attended; domestic and foreign researchers gave talks. There were seven major talks given by distinguished mathematicians, as well as 60 talks in parallel sessions. This event had great repercussions in the domestic mathematics community and is still remembered by the mathematicians who took part.

International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Differential Equations 1984

The Department's Mathematics Colloquium brought together 206 professors and students from engineering and science universities, technological institutes and upper-middle schools around the country. Its objectives were to promote the development of mathematics in Mexico's universities and technological institutes, stimulate the production of high-level mathematics texts by domestic authors, and to link research and practice. In it 10 courses, 13 talks, three research workshops were given and 10 texts of course notes were written.

Dr. Schuchman (partial differential equations) held the Lefschetz chair; Dr. W. Szlenk (dynamical systems) and Dr. Tomasz Bojdecki (probability) visited the Cinvestav thanks to the exchange with the Polish Academy of Sciences. Ten students received their Master's in Science and three the doctorate. Three workshops were held, during which Mexican and foreign researchers were invited to give talks, with the attendance of a large number of participants.

Within the years 1984 and 1985 academic exchanges were held with several institutions, with the participation of the following researchers: José Ádem, Enrique Antoniano, Pedro Armendáriz, Luis Astey, Tomasz Bojdecki, Shalom Eliahou, Daniel Gallo, Samuel Gitler, Carlos Gómez-Mont, Luis Gorostiza, Saúl Hahn-Goldberg, Onésimo Hernández-Lerma, Elías Micha, Guillermo Pastor, Michael Porter, Enrique Ramírez de Arellano, Juan José Rivaud, Duraiswamy Sundararaman, Horacio Tapia, Cristóbal Vargas, José de Jesús Vázquez and Alberto Verjovsky, who gave a series of talks in universities in the country and abroad. That year there were about 16 visiting researchers from varied international institutions. In 1985 Dr. Jorge Esquivel (theoretical and applied) and Dr. Gilberto Calvillo (operations research) joined the faculty.

In the Lefschetz Chair program, Peter Richter (mathematical physics), of the Universidad Karl Marx, Democratic Republic of Germany (1985-1986) and Peter Greenberg (algebraic topology) (1986-1987) visited the Cinvestav.

Academic exchange with domestic and foreign institutions continued during that period with great productivity and success. At the same time, talks were held on Wednesdays in the Department with the participation of very enthusiastic mathematicians, about 36 distinguished specialists from several institutions who presented the most recent advances in their areas.

During 1985-1987, 13 students received the degree of Master in Science and one a Doctor in Science. In 1986 the 25th anniversary of the Department was celebrated with several activities: a facsimile edition of Euclid's "Perspective and Optics" published in Spain (Madrid, 1585, by order of King Philip II), and three talks by professor Wieslaw Szlenk (Warsaw University) on mathematics applied to biology, which were published as texts.

For the period 1987-1989, the faculty grew-up as the following were hired as Associate Professors: Jorge León (probability and stochastic processes), Guillermo Moreno (topology), Ismael Muñoz (mathematical physics), Henrik Nordmark (numerical analysis), Martha Rzedowski and Gabriel Villa (algebraic number theory) y Hanumad Bhaskara (differential geometry).

There were also about 18 research visitors from several foreign institutions: Julian Lawrynowicz (hypercomplex analysis), Marek Burnat (differential equations), Jacques Bernussou (stochastic systems), Antón Wakolbinger (probability theory), Francisco Castillo (differential equations), Andrés Fragüela (differential equations), and Josef Zajac (complex variables), to mention some of them.

Zhivko S. Athanassov (differential equations) occupied thea Solomon Lefschetz Chair during 1987 and 1989; in 1988, it was held by Rama Kandalam (differential geometry) and Din The Lúe (mathematical programming). During this period about 45 articles were published in journals of international prestige and approximately the same number were in press. There were also 19 books published. Further, 16 students obtained the degree of Master's in science and four as Doctor of Sciences.