The sixth decade (2012-2021)

Awards and honors

In the last decade, distinguished members of our faculty have received a total of fourteen distinctions, including awards and recognitions for their scientific work, including the nomination as Emeritus of the SNI to professors Dr. Hernández-Lerma and Dr. Vasilevski, the award Marcos Moshinsky to Dr. Lupercio, the AMC research award to Dr. Santillán, the Weizmann awards for the best doctoral theses of the students David González Sánchez and Yuriko Pitones Amaro. In addition, most of the researchers are active members of evaluation committees in multiple publications around the world.

Books, articles, and conferences production

In the Department, 15 books and 390 articles have been produced in the last decade, which represents a scientific production of 1.5 books and 39 articles per year, above the world average and one of the best averages in the nation, comparing with the best schools, colleges and departments in the United States. More than 200 conferences have also been given, both nationally and internationally, which indicates the dynamism of the work in the Department, as well as the intense collaboration of our professors with scientists around the world.


During the years 2011 to 2020, a total of 529 courses and seminars have been taught in the Department, making an average of 26 per semester; in addition, a total of 69 doctoral students have graduated, as well as 78 master's students. The latter represents an excellent academic production in which our students have been trained with very high-quality levels of mathematics competent with the universities of the highest international prestige. One of these recognitions has been granted throughout this decade by the Conacyt National Register of Quality Postgraduate Programs, at all times giving our postgraduate qualification of international excellence at both the master's and doctoral levels.

Projects, visiting professors and postdocs

The intense collaboration and scientific dynamism of the Department is exhibited with a total of 39 projects financed both locally and internationally, without leaving aside the large number of visiting professors who have passed in the last 10 years. Indeed, throughout this decade, there have been a total of 136 professors who have visited the Department from different parts of the world; all of them have collaborated with our professors in a large number of research projects. It is also important to highlight the 83 postdoctoral visits of scientists from various parts of the world who have come to collaborate and develop their skills with some of our researchers.