

Marcos César Vargas Magaña (2011-2015)
Assignment problems
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN
Héctor Hugo Corrales Sánchez (2010-2014)
Critical ideals of graphs
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN
Carlos Alejandro Alfaro Montúfar (2010-2014)
Sandpile group of graphs
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN

Master of Science

Marcos César Vargas Magaña (August 23, 2011)
Some algorithms for the assignment problem
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN
Marcos Ignacio Leyva Barrita (December 9, 2010)
Algunas operaciones de gráficas que preservan α-críticalidad
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN
Héctor Hugo Corrales Sánchez (February 23, 2010)
El grupo crítico del producto cartesiano de matrices
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN
Carlos Alejandro Alfaro Montúfar (February 19, 2010)
On the sandpile group of a graph
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN
Paulo César Manrique Mirón (October 8, 2009)
Δ-hipergráficas y gráficas α-críticas
Department of Mathematics, Cinvestav-IPN.
Currently on the CIMAT PhD program