Working with industry

My experience with the industry is the product of my 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in the IMP and collaboration that has been established with Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto California, through Cipriano Santos and 3 research projects.

This work has focused primarily on three topics:

  • Allocation of human resources
  • Statistical analysis in the space of trees
  • Projects related to the oil industry

Result of this interaction have been obtained the following international patent and copyright:

☞ International Patent US 2014/0032605 A1
Selection of data paths
Burcu Aydin, Kemal Guler, Carlos Alejandro Alfaro Montúfar, Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta.
Hewlett-Packard Company. January, 2014.

☞ International Patent WO 2013/162572 and US 2015/0006211 A1
Resource Planning
Cipriano A. Santos, María Teresa González Díaz, Juan Orozco Guzmán, Marcos César Vargas Magaña, Iván López-Sánchez, Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta, Lyle H. Ramshaw, Robert E. Tarjan, Shailendra K. Jain.
Hewlett-Packard Company. October, 2013 and January, 2015.

☞ International Patent US 2013/0290063 A1
Optimizing allocations in a workforce allocation plan
María Teresa González Díaz, Cipriano A. Santos, Kay-Yut Chen, Marcos César Vargas Magaña, Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta.
Hewlett-Packard Company. October, 2013.

☞ International Patent US 8,639,562 B2
Cost entity matching
Marcos César Vargas Magaña, Cipriano A. Santos, Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta, Lyle H. Ramshaw, Robert E. Tarjan, Iván López-Sánchez, María Teresa González Díaz.
Hewlett-Packard Company. Granted January 28, 2014.

☞ International Patent US 2011/0231215 A1
Optimization of a resource matching model by mapping a model to a bipartite graph
Cipriano A. Santos, Shailendra K. Jain, María Teresa González Díaz, Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta.
Hewlett-Packard Company. September, 2011.


☞ Copyright 03-2005-012710261300-01
Implementación de un algoritmo evolutivo para optimizar el desarrollo de un catalizador en un software
Edgar Possani Espinosa, Carlos Enrique Valencia Oleta.
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP).