Math. dep. of CINVESTAV International Workshop

November 03-07, 2015
Hotel Costa INN, Boca del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico



The Workshop will be held in the Hotel Costa INN, Boca del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico, from November 3 (arrival day) to November 7 (departure day), 2015


All 50 min. lectures at the Workshop are to be given by special invitation of the Organizing Committee.
We plan also to have a number of 25 min. talks.

Registration and Fee

Those who are interested to assist in the Workshop are welcomed to register via link Registration
The deadline for registration is October 1, 2015.

On site registration will start on Tuesday, November 3 at 17:00 in the lobby of the Hotel Costa INN.

The registration fee is 60 USD, or 900 Mexican pesos, to be paid by all participants during the on site registration. The fee covers welcome reception, coffee breaks, and conference materials.

However Mexican participants, who need an official fiscal confirmation (factura) of their registration fee, should pay the fee on-line before October 10, 2015 following the instructions below (en Español):

1. Hacer el pago de 900 pesos con tarjeta bancaria vía la siguiente liga:

A la brevedad recibirá un correo electrónico confirmando el pago.

2. Enviar un correo electrónico al Dr. E. Ramirez de Arellano con copia al Dr. N. Vasilevski incluyendo la confirmación de su pago y proporcionando los siguientes datos tal y como deberán aparecer en el factura:

- Nombre completo
- Dirección completa (Calle, num. colonia, delegación o municipio, entidad federativa y código postal)
- Correo electrónico a quien se deberá enviar el comprobante fiscal.

3. En unos días su factura se enviará al correo electrónico proporcionado.

Después de efectuado el pago no se aceptarán devoluciones ni podrán efectuarse cambios en los datos del recibo fiscal correspondiente.
No podemos garantizar su factura si su pago es efectuado después del 10 de octubre de 2015.

How to get to Hotel Costa Inn

The nearest airport is the Veracruz International Airport (VER).
From the airport you can get to Hotel Costa Inn by taxi (12km). The taxi ride takes about 25 min., the fare is approximately 250 Mexican pesos. There is no public transportation from the airport to Boca del Rio.
Alternatively, you may travel from Mexico City to Veracruz by bus (aprox. 420 Km./5-6hrs.) from the Central Bus Station Oriente (TAPO), and then take a taxi or local bus to Boca del Rio.
Some additional information can be found, for example, in Bus Travel in Mexico